发布时间:2019-01-02 08:01:06
Straightness error is the variation between the actual straight line and its ideal straight line. The evaluation methods of linearity error of Xuzhou INA bearing are as follows: 1. ** ***all Hazardous Shell Area Method; 2. ** ***all Square Method; Two End Connection Method. Among them, the evaluation results of ** ***all inclusive area method are less than or equal to those of the other two methods.
Bed guides rarely h***e rectangular and V-shaped shapes. The horizontal appearance of the rectangular guide of Xuzhou INA bearing keeps the straightness error of the guide in the vertical entity. Grasp the straightness error of rectangular guides on both sides of the guideway. For V-shaped guideway, because it c***ists of two inclined planes, the two inclined planes not only grasp the straightness error of vertical entity, but also grasp the straightness error of horizontal plane.
The distance between threaded ends is very important. The distance between thread marker and thread marker of Xuzhou INA bearing is all data. If the endpoints between threads do not exist, they cannot be well applied to objects. Therefore, measurement specificati*** are needed between threads. There are many kinds of threads, including rectangular threads, triangular threads, trapezoidal threads, serrated threads and so on.
Thread angle is also called tooth angle. The measurement of the thread angle of Xuzhou INA bearing can be realized by measuring the side angle, which is the angle between the side of the thread and the vertical plane of the thread axis.
The pitch refers to the distance between a point on the thread and the corresponding point on the adjacent thread teeth. From the distance of the balance line, such as the data displayed, whether the angle between threads is detected, and the pitch between threads is measured, the balance between the two pitches is the same number of angles.
Thread diameter refers to the distance between the midpoint line of diameter and the axis of Xuzhou INA bearing. That is to say, when we draw a graph, there is a specific inclination to determine the shape of the line.
文章来自:徐州SKF轴承 www.wh-skf.com
Article from: Xuzhou SKF Bearing www.wh-skf.com
文章来自:徐州INA轴承 www.ina-china.cn
Article from: Xuzhou INA Bearing www.ina-China.cn
文章来自:徐州NSK轴承 www.klbbearings.com
Article from: Xuzhou NSK Bearing www.klbbearings.com
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